Simi and Yinka are on their way back Simi is driving "I'm really short of words, I can't believe that all the amount the lawyer called belongs to me! I couldn't even boast of a thousand naira in my account, now I have a house, cars, money in the bank, cha ching!" Yinka said excited "Hey! Don't let that get into you, remember you need to spend wisely and be careful this is the period that girls flock, no one can withstand success" "yea right! Can't wait to see the look on their faces when I turn them down" he said "don't get to cocky, you never can tell, have you called your mum?" Simi said "I will do that, i want to give my mum all the money, none for my dad" "No that's wrong, you should give your dad five then your mother ten, you shouldn't just cut him off, no matter what he once cared, he still cares, okay" "why are you so nice? You are just like my late mom, I know I didn't know her that well but with the time I spent with her, I know she is a wonderful person" Simi suddenly starts feeling pain in her stomach, she swerves off the road and comes to an abrupt stop "Simi! Simi what is it? Simi" Yinka tries shaking her to know what's wrong "My stomach, I feel pain, I feel dizzy, I'm....." she faints "oh my God, Simi! Simi" He gets out of the car, goes to the back seat, carries her from the drivers seat and places her comfortably on the back seat, he shuts the door, gets into the car and drives off.
"Will she be okay? She just fainted, could it be stress?" Yinka is with Tamuno, they are in the hospital lobby "I don't know dear, a doctor is attending to her, but please don't call Deji yet till we are sure, this field of medicine is very tricky, I'm more of chemotherapy, surgery, I'm not a gynecologist, so be patient okay" Tamuno said "seriously I don't want anything to happen to her" Yinka said.
"So Mrs Kojo, I will ask you few questions, your blood pressure is a little bit high, what are you worried about?" Dr Femi is attending to Simi "Uhmm, I lost my aunt the only family I have left, so it really worries me" she said "how is your appetite?" "I barely eat, I just eat because I want to" "do you feel nauseous at times?" "Yes, I thought is because I cried a lot, I'm quite nauseous now, and I feel dizzy all the time, could you just give me a pill, like pain killer" Simi said "we haven't come to that yet, so you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen which resulted to you fainting, I will suggest fatigue, but in this case we look at all cases, some things can be triggered by tragedy, when last did you go for a hospital checkup?" Dr Femi said "I can't remember, is this necessary?" "Yes, its normal hospital routine, do you have any trait of cancer in your family?" Simi's heart stops for a while, it was like her world came crashing down when she heard the word "Yes, my mum died of ovarian cancer, my aunt who I just said I lost died of breast cancer" she said "That will be all for now, I will have the nurse take your blood sample to run some tests, it will just be a while then you can go, we assure you I don't think its anything to worry about" He calls on the nurse who steps in to collect the sample, Simi just stares into space with random thoughts running through her mind.
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