"Rough night, I can see that, you don't have to be awake because of me, go back to sleep, I will call a cab"
"No mum, I promised to drive you back and I will, I still can't believe you are leaving, why can't you stay?"
"We talked about this, as much as I hate to admit it, your father needs me, so I need to get back to him"
"You really are amazing mom, most women will just up and leave, but you stayed for me, for the family, I admire you for that"
"Well my son, that's the perks of saying for better or for worse at the altar, most women don't get that its a vow, vows are like promises, they are meant to be kept not broken, no matter what, you should always stick to the end" he hugs her
"Will really miss you mom, and I vow to always visit you, no matter how heavy the traffic is"
"Thank you, but I won't hold it against you if you don't, besides your house is a full house now, I doubt if there will be a dull moment"
"Yea, and that freaks the hell out of me".
Mandy opens the door to find Mike outside
"Wow, you really had a wild night" he said
"Yes I did, come in" he enters and sits
" So that's the reason I didn't see you during morning mass, oh let me guess, you haven't been to morning mass for months now"
"Didn't the bible say judge not so ye shall not be judged?"
"Even the devil quotes the bible" he said almost in a whisper so she doesn't hear
"Excuse you!"
"Nothing, don't you want to know why I came over instead of waiting till tomorrow?"
"Why did you come over? Wait, you found something didn't you?"
"Yes I did, turns out that your Uncle Fred Lawson, your fathers cousin might know a lot more about your father's fake death, he is staying at his home in London, with his family"
"What! Uncle Fred knows? He held my hand and sympathized with me during the funeral, why are people like this?"
"You don't have to blame him, telling you will be a big risk"
"I'm going to ask him, time to pay Mr Freddie a visit"
"No you can't! Mandy chill for a while, we have to confirm how authentic this information is first"
"No we don't, I will do it myself".
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