Monday, March 24, 2014


Ego walks into the police station "I'm here to see the prisoner Miss Sophie Abubakar" "This way, madam" a police office takes her to the waiting room "She will be with you in a minute" she sits, Sophie comes in with handcuffs, a police man is behind her "I'll be damned" she said as she sits "This is no time to lay curses, Dami, or Sophie, but i still prefer Dami" Ego said "you sure did, so you could boss her around well, Sophie is the boss" she said "At least Dami had a conscience, if only you can let her be alive in you, you would be a better person" "What do you want? Have you deviated from being a love doctor, to my personal shrink?" Sophie said "Kachi came to see me, at the hospital,with all he said, I decided to come and take a good look at the face of a girl that threw her life away, now you are facing charges of attempted arson, possession of unauthorized arms, attempted murder, what were you thinking? "I don't bloody care, I'm on everyone's lips, or I'm i not?" "Do you even think of your mother? How ashamed she is to be out in the public, get her life back? Because of her daughter, the psycho vendetta bitch, I do hope you care now, we are done here" Ego leaves, Sophie fixes her gaze on the ground, thinking of all she said. .................................................................... In life we do things most times without thinking about how it affects those around us, the predicaments of what we do, don't wait for it to be too late before you make it right. To be continued

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