Friday, December 18, 2015

Mandy's Law: Episode Twenty-four: Risks We Have To Take

She poked her head into the ward and saw his face lighten up as he met her gaze. 

"I come bearing good tidings, wow Mike even with the bruises you still look cute as ever" she teased
"Pegs, I have missed your smart mouth, how are you?"

She sat beside him on the bed. 

"Don't worry about me, I'm always good. Sorry I couldn't come earlier you know how it is at the office"
"I understand" he said
"How are you holding up?"
"Well they removed the bandage this morning, soon I will be fit enough to sleep in my own bed, I've really missed the comfort"
"I hope you haven't been here all by yourself?" she asked
"Not at all, Ngozi has been with me all through, she barely leaves my sight, she just stepped out to handle her usual business"

She looked at him with a smirk on her face. 

"Are you sure you are just friends with her because she really cares if she can sacrifice her time to be here" she said
"I've thought about it too, but she is way out of my league and it scares me that I will never match up to her expectations" he said worried 

"Look Mike, there is no woman on this earth that is out of your league, you are a great guy and she will be lucky to have you. Ask her first, whatever she says, at least you tried instead of wishing you had said something"

Joseph dialed the Minister's number on his iPad and after a few beeps of the dial tone he picked up. 

"Am I calling at an awkward time?" he placed the call on speaker.
"No Joseph, you know I always have time for you" the Minister's deep voice said from the other end.
"I'm taking the case, I hope you are happy"
"I knew you would reconsider, I tried using drastic measures but I decided to be patient with you"

"I'm taking your case on one condition, you pay me the normal fee, no 30% of the stolen funds, no site for my firm in Abuja, just the normal per hour charge" he said
"We have a deal then, but Joseph in case of next time, always take the money, it's simply business"
"There won't be a next time, have a pleasant evening"

He hung up. 

To be continued... 

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