Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday Sermons: Angel Wings and a Flutter

Perils are normal...

You can actually be in pain, you are human.

You can actually have it tough, struggle, fight tooth and nail, for scraps, for survival.
They are steps, they are never permanent

What remains abnormal, is when you accept the situation, accept it for who you are, refuse to believe that it can better, it will get better.

You can't make it big without trying.
You can't stand firm without falling.
You can't walk without crawling.
And you can't run without walking. 

Everything has its own time.
A time to sow, a time to grow, 
A time to bloom a time to reap. 
A time to look, a time to leap
A time to hope, a time to achieve. 

Take each stage one step at a time, focus, believe, hold on to hope, never let go, as far as you are doing it right, pay day must arrive.

There is no wealth without sweat, only a transient moment of glory which could fade to oblivion in minutes.

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